Published: Dec. 8, 2015

Nick UnderwoodCambridge University Press', has published via Firstview (their digital, pre-print publishing method) the special section titled"Beyond the Pletzl: Jewish Urban Histories of Interwar France,”which History and Jewish Studies PhD Candidate Nick Underwood,along with Meredith Scott-Weaver and Erin Corber, produced. The section includes three articles and a group introduction featuring Nadia Malinovich.Nick's article is titled"Aron Beckerman's City of Light: writing French history and dening immigrant Jewish space in interwar Paris."The print version will be published in an issue of2016.

Nick alsopresented a paper at the Association for Jewish Studies conference in Boston, entitled"A Workers Avant-Garde: Yiddish Theatre and Transnational Jewish Culture in Interwar Paris"