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Building a Better World

Architect Taliah Weber is an INVST alumna from the Class of 2005.

Taliah Weber (left) at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Montview Elementary School in Aurora, CO. Taliah helped design the new music and art rooms and created an art courtyard, as well as renovating the school’s interior. This was a nice project, Taliah says, because the upgrades were long-overdue.

She is seeking a professional development opportunity to travel and learn about educational spaces in other cultures. Taliah is applying for a travel grant for architects to better understand international communities and cultures. This exposure will improve Taliah’s design ability, back at home. She works primarily on schools, so Taliah is interested in visiting schools in Finland and South Korea.

These two nations have some of the most highly regarded school systems in the world, and they have the highest levels of equality in education across socio-economic levels. Taliah is interested in how their spaces are designed, how students and teachers use the spaces, and what she can bring back to her work on public schools in the Denver Metro area.

Taliah’s desire to listen and learn from and with diverse communities is a fabulous expression of her commitment to life-long learning. Her career and contribution show what kinds of things INVST alumni get up to in life.

With her architecture firm, Eidos Architects, Taliah led a site visit to a retirement home under construction. The site visit was part of a mentorship and education program for younger staff.

PHOTO CREDITS: Eidos Architects