Course List: Cognitive Neuroscience Triple PhD
Course offerings and availability can change. Check with your advisor and supervisors to plan and confirm your course plan.
- CHEM 5800-3 Cell Regulation
- CHEM 5801-3 Advanced Signal Transduction and Cell Cycle Regulation
- CSCI 5423-3ÌýBiologically-inspired Multi-Agent Systems
- CSCI 5622-3 Neural Networks / Machine Learning
- CSCI 5722-3 Computer Vision
- CSCI 5832-3 Natural Language Processing
- CSCI 5919-3 HCI: Survey and Synthesis
- CSCIÌý5922-3 Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- CSCI 6302-3 Speech Recognition and Synthesis
- CSCI 6622-3 Advanced Neural Networks / Machine Learning
- ECEN 5811-3 Neural Signals
- ECEN 5831-3 Brains, Minds and Computers
- EBIO 5800 Animal Behavior
- IPHY 5440-3 Vertebrate Endocrinology
- IPHY 5580-3 Sleep Physiology
- IPHY 5600-3 Immunology
- IPHY 5700-5 Vertebrate Histology
- IPHY 5720-4 Neurophysiology
- IPHY 5730-3 Integrative Motor Control
- IPHY 6010-3 Stress Physiology
- IPHY 6010-1 Sleep Medicine Seminar (up to 2 semesters)
- IPHY 6680-3 MATLAB for Physiol. & Biomechan. Res.
- MCDB 5210-3 Cell Structure and Function
- MCDB 5250-3 Topics in Developmental Genetics
- MCDB 5426-3 Cell Signaling and Developmental Regulation
- MCDB 5471-3 Mechanisms of Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes
- MCDB 5680-3 Mechanisms of Aging
- MCDB 5777-3 Molecular Neurobiology
- PSYC/NRSC 5015-3 Affective Neuroscience
- PSYC 5032-3 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
- PSYC 5052-4 Behavioral Neuroscience (overlaps with NRSC 5100, depending on Instructor)
- PSYC 5072 Clinical Neuroscience
- PSYC 5082 Seminar: Special Topics in Biopsychology; can be taken multiple times (2 or 3 units depending on the specific offering)
- NRSC 5082-3 Neural Circuits of Learning and Decision Making
- PSYC/NRSC 5092-4 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
- PSYC 5102-3 Introduction to Behavioral Genetics
- NRSC 5100-5 Survey and Integration of Neuroscience I (2 credit hours for advanced students; 5 credit hours for students without advanced preparation)
- NRSC 5110-3 Survey and Integration of Neuroscience II
- PSYC 5112-3 Concepts in Behavioral Genetics
- PSYC 5131-3 Affective Science
- PSYC 5132-3 Behavioral Neuropharmacology
- PSYC 5145-4 Advanced Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 5162-3 Developmental Behavioral Genetics
- PSYC 5175-4 Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
- PSYC 5200-3 Physiological Genetics and Genomics
- PSYC 5212-3 Gerontology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
- PSYC 5232-3 Molecular Genetics/Behavior
- PSYC/NRSC 5262-3 Mammalian Neuroanatomy
- PSYC 5272-3 Neuronal Plasticity
- PSYC 5385-3 Ethology/Comparative Psychology
- PSYC 5541-(1-6), Mathematical Tools for Modeling Neural and Cognitive Systems (Special Topics in Psychology)
*With approval from ICS Academic Program Director
Prerequisite: Restricted to Psychology and Neuroscience (PSYC NRSC) graduate students. - PSYC/NRSC 5545-3 Neurobiology of Addiction
- PSYC 5606-3 Prosem: Social/Personality Psych
- PSYC 5665-2 Prosem: Higher-Level Perception & Attention
- PSYC 5665-2 Prosem: Learning and Memory
- PSYC 5685-2 Prosem: Sensory Processes
- PSYC 5685-2 Prosem: Research Methods
- PSYC 5741-4 Quantitative Methods in Neuroscience
- PSYC 5815-2 Prosem: Language
- PSYC 5815-2 Prosem: Higher-Level Cognition
- PSYC 5825-2 Executive Function Proseminar
- PSYC 5835: Prosem: Thinking
- PSYC/NRSC 5911-3 Teaching of Neuroscience
- NRSC 6100-2 Advances in Neuroscience
- NRSC 6602-1 Behavioral Neuroscience Professional Skills Development
- PSYC 6911-(1-3) Research Practicum
- NRSC 7102-2 or 3 Topics in Neuroscience
- NRSC 7112-3 Special Topics in Neuroscience I
- NRSC 7122-3 Special Topics in Neuroscience II
- NRSC 7132-3 Special Topics in Neuroscience III
- NRSC 7142-3 Special Topics in Neuroscience IV
- NRSC 7152-3 Special Topics in Neuroscience V
- PSYC 7215-3 Translational Cognitive Neuroscience
- PSYC 7215-3 Mathematical Modeling of Cognition
- PSYC 7215-3 Principles of fMRI
- PSYC 7536-3 Theories and Research in Emotion
- PSYC 7536-3 The Social Brain
- SLHS 5252-3 Acquired Adult Language Disorders
- SLHS 5282-3 Acquired Cognitive Disorders
- SLHS 5292-3 Motor Speech Disorders
- SLHS 5576-2 Communication Neuroscience
- SLHS 6006-3 Advanced Hearing Science
- SLHS 6564-3 Auditory Processes: Neurodiagnostics
- SLHS 7100-3 Cognitive Bases of Human Communication and its Disorders
- SLHS 7250-3 Research Methods in Language Development
- SLHS 7540-3 Auditory Processes: Physiology, Assessment, and Management of the Vestibular System
- SLHS 8206-3 Models of Speech Production and Perception