Remote Working and Alternate Work Schedule Manager Guidance
The purpose of the Staff Questionnaire for Remote Work is to provide the items that should be considered for a structured discussion between employee and supervisor regarding remote/hybrid work arrangements. It is best practice to have a conversation between supervisor and employee before making a determination for remote/hybrid work. Both parties should actively listen and be prepared to revise the plan accordingly.The final decision for appropriate work modality remains with the supervisor.
Download the Staff Questionnaire for Remote WorkTemplate
The will provide documentation of the agreement.
The final decision regarding remote/hybrid work arrangements lies with the supervisor and their upline and are subject to any additional guidelines provided by the officer or institute director. Supervisors can change the work arrangement of any employee to meet the needs of the unit. If or when a work arrangement is changed, sufficient notice of at least two weeks (preferably longer) should be given to employees if possible.
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Additional Tools & Templates
- Work Schedule Templates
- - Google Sheet
- - Excel Template
Given the changing demographics of the workforce and the increased competition for qualified employees, it has become increasingly important to find alternative ways to compete in today’s labor market. Alternate schedules and remote work can be a cost effective way to enhance the existing salary and benefit package, fulfill business needs, assist with recruitment and retention, improve productivity and creativity and accommodate a changing workforce.
The ֱ Boulder Remote Working Toolkit provides additional information and considerations for remote work.
Advantages of a Remote Work Schedule and Alternate Schedules
Some benefits of a remote work or alternate work schedule may include:
- Enhanced recruitment and retention
- Improved morale, commitment and job satisfaction
- Reduced stress through the ability to better balance work and personal responsibilities
- Reduced absences and tardiness
- Improved access to services through extended departmental work hours
- Improved ability to schedule coverage for peak workloads
- Additional office space options and associated savings
- Reduced congestion in traffic and parking lots
- Potential for reduced environmental impact
- Reduced transportation time and cost
- Potential for uninterrupted work time
Considerations for Departments
It is the responsibility of the department to determine the suitability and frequency of remote work modalities and alternate work schedules. In reviewing the appropriateness of remote work or alternate schedules, departments should consider the following:
- Nature of work performed by the employee
- Size of the work unit
- Ability to ensure coverage for functions typically handled by the employee without placing undue burden on other employees in the unit
- Establishing schedules based on customer service needs and peak workloads
- Attendance at mandatory departmental and unit meetings
- Consistency (to the extent possible) in determining which staff can participate in remote work modality
- Impact on employees whose positions are not appropriate for remote work modalities
- Manager’s ability to evaluate performance based upon results or outcomes
- Whether the employee is a supervisor or in a management position, in which case they may need to be available to their staff in person
Remote Work Guidance
- To be eligible to work remotely, employees must, among other things:
- have portable job duties
- have a work site and equipment (telephone, internet, supplies, etc.) suitable for remote work
- be able to work independently and productively
- Remote work arrangements are not an employee entitlement, and may be discontinued or altered by the department at any time.
- Employees may request remote work arrangements but they are not guaranteed and are at the discretion of the department.
Remote Work Arrangements
- Some positions, responsibilities and projects are more suitable for working remotely than others and may be appropriate to maintain business continuity in the event of an emergency. Also, responsibilities that do not require face-to-face interaction, require minimal supervision, involve the extensive use of computers and/or telephones, and have clearly defined and easily measurable tasks are more appropriate for a remote work arrangement. Managers must examine the distinct activities, functions and tasks to determine whether a remote work arrangement is appropriate.
- Employees are responsible for securing child care/ elder care, as needed, that allows them to successfully fulfill their job duties.
- Employees are responsible to adhere to the work/meeting schedule set by the supervisor and the supervisor should explore all flexible options available to ensure the job duties can be completed.
Work Schedule
- As is required for the University worksite, the supervisor will establish the employee’s remote work schedule; supervisors have discretion to require the employee to track time worked and record hours not worked with the appropriate leave designation (annual, sick, comp time, leave without pay, etc.) and, if eligible for overtime, must receive supervisor authorization prior to working overtime.
Remote Work Documentation
- Supervisors may require the be completed prior to the start of a formal remote work arrangement.
Equipment, supplies, and telephone/data connection
- University-supplied equipment, software, data, and supplies may be used only for official University business and must be returned to the University at the termination of remote work arrangement or upon request by the University. The employee is responsible for operating costs, home maintenance, and any other cost associated with the use of the home as an alternate work location.
- University information security and records management and retention policies that apply at the regular University worksite apply when the employee works remotely.
Alternate Work Schedule
An alternate work schedule refers to any one of a variety of work arrangements different from traditional modalities. For example, different from Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., on-site work.
Some hypothetical examples of alternate work schedules for campus employees might include:
- Working the same set hours each day, but with their schedule varying from standard office hours. For example, an employee works 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in an office that is usually open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Working different hours each day but with some “core”business hours established by the supervisor, during which time the employee must be working. For example, where core business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., an employee may work 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on one day and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on another day.
- Working a compressed work week, that is,longer days in lieu of the typical 8 hours per day in order to work fewer total days. Three examples of a compressed workweek are:
- 4/10 schedule - A full-time employee works ten hours per day for four days which results in completion of the 40 hour workweek.
- 4 ½ day schedule - A full-time employee works four nine hour days and one four hour day within the standard workweek.
- 9/80 schedule – A full-time employee works four nine hour days and one eight hour day in one week, and during the following week, works four nine hour days with one day off. For Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) purposes, the 9/80 schedule requires an adjustment of the defined workweek.