Gender Identity/Transitioning Process FAQ for ֱ Boulder Faculty & Staff
Transitioning can be a very private and stressful time. Therefore, this information was created to provide employees with information about campus policies, procedures, and resources that are available to assist our transitioning employees.
If you feel you have been discriminated against or harassed because of your sex, gender identity, gender expression, or transgender status, you can contact the at 303-492-2127 or you can visit the to learn more information.
The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) is a free confidential counseling/consulting/referral service designed to provide assistance to faculty and staff for personal or work-related concerns that may interfere with job performance.
The Center for Inclusion & Social Change provides information dissemination and referral; educational, cultural and social programming; advocacy and voice for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and allied (GLBTQIA) community at ֱ Boulder. Some helpful information can be found here: /cisc/resources/trans-queer
For faculty/instructors and advisors who have not changed their name legally, there is also an option to change have your preferred name reflected in Campus Solutions, in class searches, on students’ class schedules, and in the Canvas Learning Management System. To learn more about this option, please contact the Office of the Registrar at or .
Currently, there is no official form to fill out to change your gender marker. However, you must provide a legally recognized piece of identification that states your new gender. Acceptable forms of identification include:
- Drivers License
- Passport
- Revised Birth Certificate
Only one of these documents is necessary. Once provided with the documentation, your PPL or HR liaison will change your gender marker in the HCM system. *Please Note: Your PPL or the HR liaison must contact the Benefits Office (303-860-4200, option 3) to notify them of the gender marker change. The Benefits office will then work with your insurance provider to ensure that your gender marker is changed appropriately in their records..
Email Address:
Once your name has been officially changed in PeopleSoft HCM, you can contact the Office of Information Technology (OIT) at 303-735-HELP to change your email address. OIT will continue to forward you emails that are sent to your old email address.
Caller ID:
To change your name as it appears when you dial out from your office telephone, contact your IT/Telecom liaison for your department. The IT/Telecom liaison can make this change for you online.
Directory Information:
The ֱ Boulder People Search Directory will automatically update your new name a few days after your department HR liaison changes your name in the Human Resources PeopleSoft HCM. For the A to Z Directory, your PPL will need to manually update that information with your new name. If you have not legally changed your name, but would prefer another name to be reflected in the campus directory, you can contact the Office of Information Technology (OIT) at 303-735-HELP. They will assist you in creating a “nickname” in place of your first name for the campus directory only.