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Herbst Lunchtime Seminar announcement: Sarah Jaquette Ray, PhD on Feb. 9

Who: Sarah Jaquette Ray, Program Leader, Environmental Studies Program, Humboldt State University

What: Coming of Age at the End of the World: An Existential Toolkit for the Climate Generation

Description: Join Sarah Ray, the author of , for a talk and discussion about letting go of eco-guilt, resisting burnout, and cultivating resilience while advocating for climate justice. A youth movement is reenergizing global environmental activism. The “climate generation”—late millennials and iGen, or Generation Z—is demanding that policy makers and government leaders take immediate action to address the dire outcomes predicted by climate science. Those inheriting our planet’s environmental problems expect to encounter challenges, but they may not have the skills to grapple with the feelings of powerlessness and despair that may arise when they confront this seemingly intractable situation. Drawing on a decade of experience leading and teaching in college environmental studies programs, and combining insights from psychology, sociology, social movements, mindfulness, and the environmental humanities, this talk will offer strategies of interior resilience to engage climate advocacy for the long-haul.

When: Noon, Wednesday, February 9 via Zoom