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From the Dean of the Graduate School: Welcome to the 2019 fall semester

Dear graduate students:

Scott Adler headshot

I’m delighted to welcome you to the fall semester. Along with our incoming graduate students, I’m new to the Graduate School as well, having taken this position in June.

Our graduate students accomplish amazing things, and I’m in awe of you every day. You are central to our teaching and research mission, and to the overall culture and vitality of the campus.

To complement your academic studies, take advantage of the diversity, intellect and experience of your peers from across the country and around the globe.

As the semester kicks off, know that the staff at the Graduate School, as well as United Government of Graduate Students (UGGS), the many offices at Student Affairs, and, of course, your home department, are all here to support you.

I highly recommend you take advantage of the various opportunities we have to offer:

While you’re here, don’t forget to explore our beautiful campus, our museums and state-of-the-art planetarium. Attend a lecture or one of the stellar dance, theater, and music performances. Explore the city of Boulder, and the Rocky Mountains. There’s a reason why so many people want to live here.

Graduate school will be challenging, frustrating, exciting, and exhausting. We want you to thrive and feel included in every way. But, we also want you to push yourself to do things that neither you, nor anyone else, thought possible.

Welcome, Grad School Buffs!  It’s an honor to serve as your dean.


E. Scott Adler
Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs
Professor of Political Science