- Sarah Posner was awarded the NSF Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award (HEGS-DDRI) for her project, 'The Role of Local Institutions in Managing Pastoralists' Natural Resources and Related Conflict in Northern Kenya’.
- Kate Little has received the Injury and Violence Prevention Student Research Award from the ֱ School of Public Health for her project Understanding Drivers of Firearm Access Among ֱ American Indian Youth:
- Viviana is a Mapuche scholar from Southern Chile and a graduate student in the Geography doctoral program at ֱ-Boulder. In her previous work in Chile, Viviana has been exploring the production of landscapes through various forms
- Aŋpétu Wašté' Mitákuyepi (Good Day Relatives),My name is Shelby Ross, my Lakota name is Wanahca Oblaye Ska Win (White Prairie Flower Woman). I’m currently a Ph.D. candidate within the Geography Department at the University
- Sara Fleming is a second-year MA student in the Geography department working with Professor Jennifer Fluri. She is broadly interested in the intersection of housing crises, climate injustice, and financial
- Millie Spencer has been awarded the 2024-2025 Fulbright-Nehru Research Fellowship.She is currently doing field work in Concepción, Chile, analyzing glacier retreat and its impacts on downstream communities in south-central
- Fedor Popov was named the outstanding Geography Excellence in Graduate Teaching - Teaching Assistant in 2023-2024
- Sarah Posner was named the outstanding Geography Excellence in Graduate Teaching - Teaching Assistant in 2023-2024
- Doctoral candidate Phurwa Gurung was awarded a National Geographic Society Committeefor Research and Exploration grant to work together with local Dolpopa scholars to document endangered oralliterature in Dolpo, northwest Nepal.National
- Phurwa Gurung was awarded a Wenner Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant for hisdissertation project, “Reordering highland territories: State-building, indigeneity and multispeciesworldmaking in the Himalaya.” It will