Graphic from SkySafari with a snowy mountain along the horizon and Venus and Jupiter very close together in the upper left

Conjunction Alert

Feb. 28, 2023

Watch Venus and Jupiter the next few evenings! They'll be closest on Wednesday, March 1st (less than a full moon width apart). Look to the west shortly after sunset and before they set behind the mountains. Graphic credit: SkySafari app

Graphic from SkySafari showing the horizon with the crescent Moon then Venus above and Jupiter higher above Venus

Western Sky Dazzles

Feb. 21, 2023

Look to the west at sunset to see the seriously thin waxing crescent Moon below sparkly Venus and Jupiter. The SkySafari app shows Neptune to the right of the Moon, but it’ll be tough to pick out in the midst of the glow of sunset. Graphic credit: SkySafari app

Graphic from Stellarium showing the eastern horizon with the full moon rising in the constellation of leo

Full Moon in the Lion

Feb. 5, 2023

The full Moon is in the mouth of the Lion tonight! Look to the east at sunset and watch our nearest celestial neighbor rise with its feline companion. Graphic credit: Stellarium

Graphic of a groundhog in a hole on top of the earth with a starry field in the background

Cross-quarter Day

Feb. 2, 2023

Happy Groundhog Day! Today is a cross-quarter day (fun fact — so is Halloween) meaning we’re half way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. So whether or not Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, astronomically speaking, spring is almost here.

Graphic from Stellarium showing a close up of the Moon and Mars amidst the stars of Taurus

Moon and Mars meet up

Jan. 30, 2023

The waxing gibbous Moon is meeting up with Mars tonight. The contrast between their colors should be stunning! Fun fact—Mars is about twice the size of the Moon. However, the Moon is only 240,000 miles away (on average) and Mars is 80 million miles away right now, making it look...

Graphic credit from Stellarium showing the southern horizon with the ecliptic arc and the meridian from south to north.

Celestial Sparkles

Jan. 28, 2023

The sky will be sparkling tonight at dusk! So much to see…start with Saturn and Venus low near the southwestern horizon. Slide up the ecliptic to spot Jupiter. Continue upward to find the Moon about to cross the meridian (and Uranus if you have binos or a telescope). And, finally...

Graphic from Stellarium showing the southwestern horizon with trees and the Moon and Jupiter close together

Moon and Jupiter

Jan. 25, 2023

The waxing crescent Moon is hanging out with Jupiter tonight in the southwestern sky. Should be a pretty pairing! Graphic credit: SkySafari app

Graphic from Stellarium of the southeastern sky showing the constellation of Scorpius rising above the horizon and the Moon next to the star Antares.

Moon and Antares

Jan. 18, 2023

Winter can feel like a long season, but not to worry! If you’re an early riser, you’ll spot the Moon next to Antares this morning before dawn. Antares is the heart of the Scorpion, one of summer’s most recognizable constellations. The stars rise 4 minutes earlier every day, so rest...

NASA ISS photo of Sunset over the Gulf of Mexico. Sun in view and limb of Earth. Image Credit NASA/Terry Virts

Earth at Perihelion

Jan. 4, 2023

Our lovely big, blue marble is at its closest point to the Sun this year…a mere 91 million miles away. Happy Perihelion Earthlings! Photo credit: NASA/Terry Virts

Graphic from Stellarium showing the southwestern horizon with trees and the crescent Moon with Mercury to the upper right and Venus lower right

Celestial Gifts

Dec. 24, 2022

Look to the southwest shortly after sunset for some shimmering celestial gifts. The thin crescent Moon is nestled in with brilliant Venus and glittering Mercury. Binoculars will make the sight an extra delight! Graphic credit: Stellarium
