
Zax Reduced

Department of Economics
256 UCB Boulder, CO 80309-0256

Telephone: 303-492-8268
FAX: 303-492-8960


Working Papers

Recent Publications

  • Zax, Jeffrey S. and Yin He (2016) “The Law of One Price in Chinese factor markets”,The Singapore Economic Review.
  • Zax, Jeffrey S. (2013) “Single regression estimates of voting choices when turnout is unknown”,Statistics, Politics, and Policy, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 1-20.
  • Lynch, Devon and Jeffrey S. Zax (2011) “Incidence and substitution in Enterprise Zone Programs: The case of ֱ”,Public Finance Review, Vol. 39, No. 2, March, 226-255.
  • Zax, Jeffrey S. (2005) “The statistical properties and empirical performance of double regression”,Political Analysis, Vol. 13, No. 1, January, 57-76.
  • Mocan, H. Naci, Erdal Tekin and Jeffrey S. Zax (2004) “Demand for medical care in urban China”,World Development, Vol. 32, No. 2, February, 289-304.
  • Li, Haizheng and Jeffrey S. Zax (2003) “Labor supply in urban China”,Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 31, No. 4, December, 795-817.
  • Rees, Daniel I., Jeffrey S. Zax and Joshua Herries (2003) “Interdependence in worker productivity”,Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 18, No. 5, September/October, 585-604.
  • Zax, Jeffrey S. (2003) “Residential location theory and the measurement of segregation”,Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, Special issue on Discrimination and Unequal Outcomes, Nos. 71/72, July/December, 189-219.
  • Zax, Jeffrey S. and Daniel I. Rees (2002) “IQ, academic performance, environment and earnings”,The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 84, No. 4, November, 600-616.
  • Zax, Jeffrey S. (2002) “Comment on ‘Estimating the extent of racially polarized voting in multicandidate contests’ by Bernard Grofman and Michael Migalski”,Sociological Methods & Research, Vol. 31, No. 1, August, 73-84.
  • Lynch, Jim and Jeffrey S. Zax (2000) “The rewards to running: Prize structure and performance in professional road racing”,Journal of Sports Economics, Vol. 1, No. 4, November, 323-340.

Recent Consultancies

  • The Office of the Attorney General of the State of ֱ
  • The Office of the Attorney General of the State of Arkansas
  • The Office of the Attorney General of the State of Arizona
  • The ֱ Department of Transportation
  • The Office of the Attorney General of the State of South Dakota