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Environmental Design Building Updates

Exterior of Environmental Design Building.

If you are returning to ENVD from a summer away, you may notice a few changes in the building. The following updates were made possible by the coordination efforts of Betsy, Peggy, Emily Lawrence and Amanda.

New monitors are on order and will be installed on each floor of the building in an effort to better promote ENVD happenings and feature student and faculty accomplishments.

The basement will house four first-year studios; ENVD 1B49 has been converted into studio space to accommodate this change.

The east half of 134 will be fully dedicated to classroom space.

Several faculty and staff on the first floor have changed locations. The Xerox copier, HP printer, fax machine and office supplies are currently housed in ENVD 171; additional supplies are located in the front office.

Dedicated lecturer office space has been moved to the second floor, in ENVD 205.

The third floor has new studio and pod spaces; Jeff is constructing temporary dividers with pin-up surfaces for this floor and the basement. The layout of the print lab and DMC have been updated, and a virtual reality nook has been created in the DMC.

Renovations are expected to continue through the fall. Many thanks to those who have worked tirelessly to make these changes happen.