Matching Funds 

For proposals to external funding agencies that require institutional matching, the College of Engineering and Applied Science provides a standard matching percentage from the Dean's office of 25% of the required match, with 25% from the primary unit and 50% from the Vice Chancellor for Research. Matching commitments for equipment only, and in which the college match does not exceed $15K, may be signed by Linda Rose in the Office of the Associate Dean for Research. College matching commitments over $15K or involving nonequipment or nonstandard matching should be negotiated and signed by Associate Dean Scott Palo or Dean Rob Davis. The policy of the campus is that equipment matching should generally not exceed 20% of the total purchase price for capital equipment, unless the funding agency has a written policy requiring a larger amount. Approximately $250,000 is budgeted annually by the Dean’s office for matching.

Travel to funding agencies

The College of Engineering and Applied Science sponsors a program to provide travel funds for faculty to visit funding agencies. Faculty may submit a half-page proposal at any time. It should include date(s) of intended travel, name(s) of traveler(s), agency(ies) and location(s) that will be visited, a short paragraph describing the purpose of the trip and expected outcome with respect to enhancing the probability for subsequent research funding, and amount requested (provide budget breakdown with airfare, hotel, meals, etc). Priorities will include trips to explore major funding or center opportunities or with multiple visits on one trip. Proposals should be submitted to Linda Rose (, and they will be reviewed by Associate Dean Scott Palo. A 1:1 costshare by the home department or unit is expected. Approximately $20,000 is budgeted annually by the Dean’s office for travel.

Multidisciplinary Seminars

The College of Engineering and Applied Science sponsors a program to provide matching funds for seminar speakers that are co-sponsored by more than one department or program. Faculty may submit a half-page proposal at any time. It should include the name of the speaker, subject and broad value of the seminar, targeted date of the seminar, total budget for the seminar visit (broken down by transportation, hotel, meals, honorarium, etc), amount provided by each cosponsoring unit, and amount requested from the Dean's office (the latter should not exceed one-half of the total budget). Proposals should be submitted to Linda Rose (, and they will be reviewed by Associate Dean Scott Palo. Approximately $5,000 is budgeted annually by the Dean’s office for seminars.

Laboratory Renovation Funds

The College of Engineering and Applied Science supports renovations of laboratories and offices to enhance research and educational efforts. Proposals are solicited by the Dean’s office at the beginning of the spring semester via department chairs and progam directors. Costsharing of typically 1/3rd of the total cost is expected from the sponsoring unit. Approximately $250,000 is budgeted annually by the Dean’s office for renovations.

Dean's Faculty Fellowships

The College of Engineering and Applied Science offers Dean’s Faculty Fellowships to provide selected faculty members with one semester off from teaching a course, to focus on a major initiative in research and scholarly work or development of substantial educational materials or initiatives. The semester would normally be about midway between sabbaticals, or between an initial appointment and sabbatical. The faculty member is expected to continue service and advising responsibilities during the semester and to primarily be in residence at ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥-Boulder. Applications are due to the Dean ( on 20 February for either semester of the following academic year, and should include a one-page description of the purpose and anticipated benefits of the faculty fellowship. The Dean’s office will provide $8,000 to the home department or program of each fellow for teaching relief. Approximately $40,000 is budgeted annually by the Dean’s office for these fellowships.

Dean's Performance Awards

Dean’s Performance Awards are made each spring by the College of Engineering and Applied Science. These awards are based on the annual performance evaluations for the prior calendar year, and so there is not a nomination process. Awards are made in categories such as research, teaching, professional progress, and junior faculty. Each awardee receives a $5,000 discretionary fund. Approximately $20,000 is budgeted annually by the Dean’s office for these awards.

Dean's Seed Fund for Novel Ideas 

The College of Engineering and Applied Science has set aside discretionary funds to provide seed support for new ideas. Faculty may submit a proposal at any time. It should include a one-page description of the idea and its anticipated benefits, including a brief budget. The amount requested from the Dean’s office should be matched 1:1 from the department or program, and the total should not exceed $10,000 ($15,000, if multiple units involved). Proposals should be submitted to the Dean ( Approximately $20,000 is budgeted annually by the Dean’s office for seed funds.

Note that a supporting letter from the chair or director is not required; instead, the Dean’s Office will send the chair or director an email to confirm the match for each selected proposal that requires matching funds.

R. Davis 3/7/05 Updated 8/25/14