Published: March 29, 2021

AERA 2021 logoEach year, the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting representsthe world's largest gathering of education researchers and is a showcase for groundbreaking, innovative research.We are looking forward tothe virtualheld April 8-12, 2021.

Our faculty, students, and alumni will be busy presenting andlearning. While we will miss the camaraderie that accompanies in-person gatherings, we look forward to supporting and exchanging ideas with colleagues and friends online. Use this guide to follow and support ֱ Boulder researchers and their work.

Schedule by day:

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Developing and Studying Mathematics Understandings
Thurs, April 8, 10-11:00 a.m. (MDT)
Shape Composition as a Progression of Spatial Reasoning Sophistication
Author: Sarah Wellberg

Embracing Queer Futures in a Time of Rupture: Conversatons Between Queer Studies Faculty and Graduate Students
Thurs, April 8, 10-11:30 a.m. (MDT)
Register in advance for Zoom link:
Panelist: José Lizárraga

Connections and Relationships Shaping and Redefining Queerness in Education
Thurs, April 8, 10-11:00 a.m. (MDT)
Cultivating a Queer Mind-set: How One elementary School Teachier IS “Rattling Common Sense”
Authors: Bethy Leonardi and Sara Staley

Critical Literacies: Agency, Place, Story
Thurs, April 8, 12-1:00 p.m. (MDT)
Seeking Through Lines: Storytelling With Students to Support Epistemic Agency in English Language Arts Classrooms
Author: Kristina Stamatis

Computer and Internet Applications in Education Poster Session
Thurs, April 8, 1-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
Exploring A.I. Ethics With Stories, Comics, and Chatbots in an Online Summer Camp
Authors: Benjamin Walsh and Bridget Dalton

Division K Section 7: Bilingual/Multilingual Roundtable
Thurs, April 8, 2-3:00 p.m. (MDT)
Practicing Teachers’ Perceived Pedagogical Challenges and Successes Post-Completion of a Bilingual-Bicultural Education Certification
Author: Rebecca E. Linares

Schools Working to Support Gender and Sexual Diversities
Thurs, April 8, 2-3:00 p.m. (MDT)
Race as the Starting Place: Equity Directors Addressing Gender and Sexual Diversity in K-12 Districts
Authors: Liz Meyer and Page Valentine Regan

Friday, April 9, 2021

Equity and Ableism in Preservice Teacher Education
Fri, April 9, 7:30-8:30 a.m. (MDT)
“[It] Did Not Cross My Mind”: Teacher Candidates’ Conceptualizations of Disability and Language Learning
Author: Rebecca E. Linares

Queering Concepts of Teaching and Learning
Fri, April 9, 7:30-8:30 a.m. (MDT)
“Throw the Brick”: Teaching for Social Change Within the Nonprofit Industrial Complex
Author: Page Valentine Regan

Attending to Complex Lives in Communities
Fri, April 9, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Can I Get a Witness? Speculative Fiction as Testimony and Counterstory
Author: Stephanie Toliver

English Learners with Disabilities and Opportunity to Learn
Fri, April 9, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
We Value What We Experience: Translanguaging to Increase Learning Opportunities for Emergent Bilinguals With Dis/abilities
Author: Rebecca E. Linares

Identifying Supportive Conditions for Education Partnerships
Fri, April 9, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
What District Conditions Matter for Productive Parenting?
Author: Caitlin Farrell

Student Discipline Policies and Practices
Fri, April 9, 2:10-3:10 p.m. (MDT)
Weaving Wide and Deep: School Discipline Rooms as Nets of Social Control
Author: Kathryn Wiley

Place and Boundary-Making
Fri, April 9, 2:10-3:10 p.m. (MDT)
Chair: Trang Tran

Division K Fireside Chat. Accepting Education Responsibility in Teacher Education: Actions Toward Racial Justice and Equity
Fri, April 9, 2:10-3:40 p.m. (MDT)
Panelist: Elizabeth Bohl

Composing Just Futures
Fri, April 9, 2:10-3:40 p.m. (MDT)
Freedom Dreaming in a Broken World: The Black Radical Imagination in Black Girls’ Science-Fiction Stories
Author: Stephanie Toliver

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Ethical and Conceptual Analysis of Science, Technology, and STEAM in Education
Sat, April 10, 7:30-8:30 a.m. (MDT)
Technology and Teaching: A Moral Perspective
Author: Matthew Hastings

Self-Study, Mentoring and the Next Generation of Teacher Educators
Sat, April 10, 7:30-8:30 a.m. (MDT)
Sense-Making of the Field Coach Experience: A Collaborative Self-Study by Developing Teacher Educators
Authors: Kristen Driscoll, Elizabeth Bohl, and Mary Beth Snow Balderas

We Are Not OK: Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sat, April 10, 8:40-9:50 a.m. (MDT)
Discussant: José Lizárraga

Expanding Opportunities for Equity-Based Practice: A Collaborative Study of Implementation
Sat, April 10, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Sustaining Project-Based Learning Over time:What Makes a New Practice Stick?
Authors: Ashley Potvin, Alison Boardman, and Kristina Stamatis

How Grassroots Activism Can Challenge Marketization of Schools
Sat, April 10, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Teacher Dissent in a City of Market Reform: The Multiple Meanings of Activism
Authors: Terrenda White and Erin Kurtz

Reproduction of Educational Inequalities by Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Language
Sat, April 10, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
The Price of Opportunity
Authors: Christopher Saldaña and Kevin Welner

The Power of Youth for Communal and Educational Change
Sat, April 10, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Engage for What? Interactions Between Normative and Political Forces and Democratic Youth Participation
Author: Julia Daniel

Critical Digital Pedagogies: Educators, Parents and Researchers Co-Designing Consequential Learning Through Play and Transformative Agency
Sat, April 10, 12:30-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
Chairs: Arturo Cortez and José Lizárraga
Disrupting Firewalls by Rewriting the Code: Dismantling Oppressive Social Structures Through Gaming
Authors: Arturo Cortez and José Lizárraga
Leveraging Community-Building Through Digital Game Play in Order to Foster Healing
Authors: Katilin Baca, Arturo Cortez and José Lizárraga
Race to Discourse: Organizing Digital Tools to Support Critical Conversations ֱ Race
Authors: Arturo Cortez and José Lizárraga
Recessing School: Bridging Play, Joy, and Learning for Liberation
Authors: Beatriz Salazar-Núñez, Arturo Cortez, and José Lizárraga

District-Level Reforms for Equity: Politics and Implementation Challenges
Sat, April 10, 12:30-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
The Power of Education Regimes in Shaping (Counter)Hegemonic Policies and Politics
Author: René Espinoza Kissell

Explorations of Past and Future: Narrative Spaces of Teaching and Learning
Sat, April 10, 12:30-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
Figured Worlds of Addiction: A Content Analysis of 10 Young Adult Literature Texts
Author: Daniel Moore

Understanding Teachers as Learners Through Their Collaborative Sense-Making
Sat, April 10, 12:30-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
A Critical Collective: Lived Experiences and Teachers’ Sense-Making ֱ Discussions of Gender, Sexuality, and Immigration
Authors: Erica Caasi, Emily Yerkes, and Elizabeth Dutro

Fostering Deeper Learning in Research-Practice Partnerships: Theoretical and Practice Perspectives
Sat, April 10, 2:10-3:40 p.m.(MDT)
Chair: Caitlin Farrell
Co-created Learning: Interest Surveys and Content Dissemination
Authors: William Penuel and Kerri Wingert

Learning with Mixed-Reality Technologies
Sat, April 10, 2:10- 3:40 p.m. (MDT)
Discussant: José Lizárraga

The Ethics of Pandemic Learning Pods
Sat, April 10, 2:10-3:40 p.m. (MDT)
Chair: Terri Wilson
Individualized Choices in Unjust Contexts
Author: Terri Wilson

Validity Evidence in Writing and Science Assessments
Sat, April 10, 2:10-3:40 p.m. (MDT)
Supporting the Interpretive Validity of Student-Level Claims in Science Assessment With Tiered Claim Structures
Author: Sanford Student

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Can Community Schools Be a Source of Democracy and Liberation? Critical Perspectives From Four Cities
Sun, April 11, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Saviorism or Equity? How Community Schools and Service Providers Navigate Questions of Racial Inequity
Author: Julia Daniel

Centering the Experiences and Needs of BIPOC+ Students in K-12 Teaching
Sun, April 11, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Relationships de Confianza: Trust and Distrust in Latinix Family-School Relationships
Authors: Emily Gleason, Leah Teeters, and Katherine Schultz

Game-Based Learning Environments
Sun, April 11, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Discussant: José Lizárraga

Interrogating the Social Imagination: Examining the Renegotiation of Self and Others Through Young Adult Literature
Sun, April 11, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Chair: Wendy J. Glenn
“Everything is in US”: Introspection, Collaboration, Continuity as Healing in #Not your Princess
Author: Wendy J. Glenn

Learnings ֱ Queer and Trans Issues Across Educational Setting
Sun, April 11, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
A Pretty Queer Thing: Thinking Queerly about Teachers’ Gender and Sexual Diversity- Focused Professional Learning
Authors: Sara Staley and Bethy Leonardi

Conceptualizing Teacher Noticing in Research on Teaching and Teacher Learning
Sun, April 11, 8:40-10:00 a.m. (MDT)
Reciprocal Noticing: Learning From Student Noticing to Inform Teacher Noticing
Authors: Michelle Frierson and Victoria Hand

Online Teaching During COVID-19 Pandemic
Sun, April 11, 8:40-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Supporting Emergency Remote Teaching: Learning Assistants at the Boundary
Authors: William Lindsay, Jennifer Avena, and Betsy McIntosh

The Centrality of Access in Charter School Debates
Sun, April 11, 10:20-11:20 a.m. (MDT)
Chair: Wagma Mommandi
The Centrality of Access
Author: Kevin Welner

Exploring the (Micro)Politic Tensions Inherent in Action Research
Sun, April 11, 12:30-1:30 p.m. (MDT)
Disentangling the Methodological Tensions of Doing Participatory Action Research
Author: Julia Daniel

Overcoming the Digital Divide and Humanizing Virtual Learning
Sun, April 11, 12:30-1:30 p.m. (MDT)
Chair: José Lizárraga

Roots, Religion, and Paradoxes: Race in Education
Sun, April 11, 12:30-1:30 p.m. (MDT)
Whiteness as Paradox in the Education of Emergent Bilinguals in Miami
Author: Daniel Garzon

Critical Spatial: And Pedagogical Approaches to Race and Place
Sun, April 11, 12:30- 2:00 p.m. (MDT)
Losing Place to Make Space: A Critical Spatial Analysis of School Co-Location
Authors: Wagma Mommandi, Elizabeth Bohl, and Katherine Schultz

Perpetuating Inequalities: The Role of Political Distraction in Education Policy Making
Sun, April 11, 12:30-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
Transgender Youth in Schools: Bathroom Bills as a Distration from Larger Structural Issues
Author: Bethy Leonardi
Racial Misdirection: How Anti-Affirmative Action Crusaders Use Racial Resentment and Incomplete Conceptions of Merit to Perpetuate Racial Inequality
Authors: Malerie Barnes and Michele Moses

Perspectives on the Role of Authenticity in Project-Based and Active Learning Humanities Classrooms
Sun, April 11, 12:30-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
The Role of Authenticity in Enactment and Outcomes of Project-Based Learning in English Language Arts
Authors: Joseph Polman, Alison Boardman, and Kristina Stamatis

Surveillance, Disruption, and Resistance in Schools
Sun, April 11, 12:30p-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
“I Never Wanted to Be ‘That Teacher’”: Surveillance and Identity in an Elementary School
Authors: Emily Yerkes and Elizabeth Dutro

Volcanic Disruptions: On the Intersectional Synergy of Theater of the Oppressed and Teacher Education
Sun, April 11, 12:30-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
On Cocoons, Consciousness, and Courage: Preparing Justice-Oriented Teacher Educators Through Critical Pedagogies
Author: Jamy Stillman

Considering Classroom Assessment in K-12 Math and Science Classes: Four Perspectives
Sun, April 11, 2:10-3:40 p.m. (MDT)
Two Paradigms for Formative Assessment and Their Consequences for Opportunity to Participate in Science Learning
Authors: Erin Furtak and Clarissa Deverel-Rico

Learning From Learners’ Voices: Resistance and Transformative Activism Through Liberatory Education
Sun, April 11, 2:10-3:40 p.m. (MDT)
Chair: Kalonji Nzinga
Interrogating the Notion of Giving Voice: Designing for Transformative Agency Across Learning Ecologies
Authors: Arturo Cortez and José Lizárraga
Cultivating Zones of Resistance: Designing Environments Where “Calling Out” is the Learning Goal
Author: Kalonji Nzinga

Teacher Knowledge and Sense-Making in Mathematics and Integrated STEM
Sun, April 11, 2:10-3:40 p.m. (MDT)
Translanguaging in Mathematics Learning: Teacher Instructional and Attentional Supports
Author: Monica Gilmore

Monday, April 12, 2021

What Should We Do? Diverse Case Studies in Intergenerational Community Building
Mon, April 12, 7:30-8:30 a.m. (MDT)
“¿Qué Hacemos Ahora?” Pausing, Power, and the Changing Context in Community-Based Research
Author: Ana Contreras

Perceptions, Proctored, and Prospective Teachers: STEM Teacher Education
Mon, April 12, 7:30-9:00 a.m. (MDT)
Chair: José Lizárraga

Student Sociopolitical Learning, Activism, and Voice During Times of Turmoil
Mon, April 12, 7:30-9:00 a.m. (MDT)
Student Ingenuity and Learning During the Pandemic
Author: Ben Kirshner, Beatriz Salazar-Nuñez, Arturo Cortez

Writing Instruction Across Bilingual Education Contexts: Mapping the Landscape and Illuminating Promising Practices
Mon, April 12, 9:10-10:40 a.m. (MDT)
Chairs: Vanessa Santiago Schwarz and Laura Hamman-Ortiz
Teacher Agency in Reimagining Writing Instruction in the Era of Accountability: The Challenges and Possibilities of Genre-Based Pedagogy
Authors: Vanessa Santiago Schwarz, Laura Hamman-Ortiz, Molly Hamm-Rodriguez, and Mileidis Gort

Education Reform and the Reproduction of Inequalities
Mon, April 12, 9:10-10:10 a.m. (MDT)
Rhetoric Versus Reality: A critical Policy Analysis of School Co-Location in Denver ֱ
Authors: Elizabeth Bohl, Katherine Schultz, and Wagma Mommandi

The Promise of a Long-Term Commitment to Research Practice Partnerships in Education
Mon, April 12, 12:30-2:00 p.m. (MDT)
Discussant: Caitlin Farrell

Division K Section 7 Poster
Mon, April 12, 12:50-1:50 p.m. (MDT)
Social Media and Social Constructions of Teachers: A Close Reading of K-State’s YouTube Recruitment Documentary
Author: Daniel Moore

Computer and Internet Applications in Education Poster Session
Mon, April 12, 12:50-2:20 p.m. (MDT)
Exploring A.I. Ethics With Stories, Comics, and Chatbots in an Online Summer Camp
Authors: Benjamin Walsh and Bridget Dalton

Reassessing the Long-Term English Learner: Theorizing and Conceptualizing Multilingual Learners in Research, Policy and Practice
Mon, April 12, 12:50-2:20 p.m. (MDT)
A QuantCrit Analysis of Accountability and Long-Term English Learners: Patterned Disparities of Opportunities and Outcomes
Authors: Kimberly Strong and Kathy Escamilla

Understanding and Supporting Collaborative Research: Frameworks and Measures to Support Learning for Research and Practice
Mon, April 12, 12:50- 2:20 p.m. (MDT)
Assessing the Effectiveness of Research-Practice Partnerships: An Evidence-Centered Design Approach
Authors: Caitlin Farrell, William Penuel, and Kristen Davidson

Innovative Instruction in Dual-Language Bilingual Education Contexts
Mon, April 12, 12:50-2:20 p.m. (MDT)
Morning Circle as a Community of Practice: Co-Teachers’ Transmodality in a Dual-Language Preschool
Author: Mileidis Gort

Scholar Collectives Working for Social Justice in Education
Mon, April 12, 12:50- 2:20 p.m. (MDT)
Education Deans for Justice and Equity (EDJE)
Author: Katherine Schultz

Taking Collective Action and Responsibility to Address Inequity: The Case of Partnerships for Community Schools
Mon, April 12, 12:50-2:20 p.m. (MDT)
Collaborating Across the Table: How Organizations and a School District Work Together for Community Schools
Author: Julia Daniel

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