Published: March 26, 2018
Best Should Teach Logo

The campus is calling on students to answer one question: whoare your most inspiring educators at ֱ Boulder? Each fall, the Best Should Teach Awards honor University of ֱ Boulder faculty, graduate teachers,andK-12 teachersat the ֱ Boulder Best Should Teach Ceremony. New for 2018, program co-sponsors, theGraduate Teacher Program, Graduate School, and School of Education, and the Best Should Teachselection committeeof past honoreesare seeking nominations from students in thecall for nominations offull-time faculty and senior instructorsfrom all colleges and schools across campus.

The Best Should Teach initiative was launched by the late lifelong educator Lindley Stiles and his wife Marguerite Stiles, who established the initiative in 1996. Stiles’ inspiring motto is inscribed on the School of Education Building walls:

“To those who come, I leave the flame! Hold it as high as you can reach. If a better world is your aim, all must agree: The Best Should Teach.”

Nominations for the 2018 Best Should Teach faculty awardsare due Monday, April 23, and student nominatorsare asked justtwoquestions about their inspiringnominees:

  1. Describe how the faculty member's teaching has impacted yourlearning, growth, and overallexperience at ֱ Boulder.
  2. In your own words, describehow the nominated faculty memberexemplifies the Best Should Teach motto.

Best Should Teach candidates must have 1) demonstrated educational leadership through contributions to improving college teaching on the Boulder campusand/or through work to improve teaching in primary and secondary education, 2) shown a sustained high level of involvement in pedagogical innovation and developmentand successful and productive mentoring of undergraduates and graduate students, and 3) contributed their time to programs that support the improvement of teaching and academic professional development at all levels. All full-time faculty (tenured and tenure-track faculty, and senior instructors) are eligible. Awardees receive a Best Should Teach certificate endorsed by the Deans of the Graduate School, the College of Arts & Sciences, the School of Education, and the candidate’s college or school, and they arehonored at the community-wideBest Should Teach Ceremony in the fall.

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