Writing for the Web

Web page mock up with "not" sign over a layout table

Freeing your content from tables used for layout

Layout tables are not accessible but reformatting them by copying and pasting, cell by cell the content is pure drugery. Here is an easy way to separate content from its table formatting.

hands on keyboard

Inverted Pyramid: Writing for Comprehension

We love Nielsen Norman Group articles, this article is great for web communicators who want site visitors to not miss the important information on their site.

Design Process

English Department website

What is Context and how does it help in site design.

In a nutshell, context allows you to create certain conditions ("contexts") that will trigger "reactions" to that context. Contexts allow a site owner to create tasks on the site that are automated that might otherwise be time consuming to do manually. For many new users and simple site builders, using...

Accessible Content for All