The Localist Widget builder canbe used to also create a custom RSS feeds. There are also a couple of template styles to choose from but we create a simple Digital Sign template

Build Widget

You may create a Calendar Widget from the Calendar homepage.using the԰.

For more features and functionality log into the Events Calendar with your ֱLOGIN

  1. Go to:
  2. Click the Login link
  3. Click Log in with ֱIdentikey
  4. Enter your ֱIdentikeyand password and click LOGIN

Click theCalendar Adminlink beneath your profile image

In the admin dashboard, clickDzԳٱԳand selectWidget Builder

Use the dropdown menus on the webpage to choose the settings you want.

Template:From the dropdown select one of the pre-designed templates:

  • Default - title, image (left),time,date, description, location & interested button
  • Digital Sign Template 01 -List design: title, time, date, location
  • Event URL -
  • Express Template 1 -title, image (right),time,date, description & location
  • Express Template 2 - Icon design: title, image,time,date, description & location
  • Express Template 3 - List design: title, date
  • Express Template 4 - Icon card design: title,time,date, description & location
  • Express Template 5 - Image card design:title, image,time,date, description & location
  • Express Template 6 -Image card design 2:title, image,time,date, description & location

Number of Results:Set the widget to show your preferred number of events (Maximum of 50)

Days Ahead:Set the widget to display events with specific days ahead (Typical is 31; Maximum of 365)

Groups:Select all that apply

Keywords and Tags:Enter all applicable words.

Places:Select all that apply.

Event Type:Select all that apply.

Interest:Select all that apply.

ܻ徱Գ:Select all that apply.

College, School & Unit:Select all that apply.

Academic Calendar: Select all that apply.

Faculty/Staff Calendar:Select all that apply.

Keywords and Tags: Enter any keywords or tags

Only Show Featured: optional

Only Show Sponsored:DZپDzԲ

Include All Matching Instances:DZپDzԲ

Hide Past Events: optional

Content Must Match:Select the option that best meets your needs.dzٱ:If you embed the widget code some events are not showing up - check this setting to start troubleshooting the issue

  • At least one place, group, keyword or tag, and one filter item.
  • Anyplace, group, keyword or tag, or filter item.
  • At least one place andgroup, and all keywords, tags, and filter items.
  • Any place or group, and at least one keyword or tag, and one filter item.

Excluded Content:

Any filters specified in these drop downs will not be included in the widgets. This is helpful in an “show all, but one” situation.

Note:If you embed the widget code but none of your events show up - check this setting again to ensure you have set the widget up to show your events and not exclude them

Event Type:Select all that apply.

Interest:Select all that apply.

Audience:Select all that apply.

Hide Past Events:Check or uncheck this box to meet your needs

Display Options

Include Styles:Leave this option checked

Display Options for Logged in Users

  1. Widget Type: Select your preference
    1. List
    2. Mini calendar + List
  1. Style: Select your preference
    1. Modern
    2. Card
    3. Classic
    4. None
  2. Hide Descriptions: Event descriptions will not be shown.
  3. Truncate Descriptions: Description, location, and event image will be hidden upon page load, but when an event is clicked this information will appear.
  4. Render HTML in Descriptions: This allows any HTML entered in admin (bold, etc.) to be displayed automatically.
  5. Hide Event Images: Photos will be completely hidden.
  6. Hide Event Times: Times will be completely hidden.
  7. Open Links in New Window: If an event is selected, another window will open.

Generating Your Widget

After you have made all necessary specifications, you will see two options to generate your widget results. Note: No saving is required.

  1. Preview:This option will open your widget results in another tab. The results will be not be styled. On this page you can confirm that the correct events are showing and that the output options are working as expected.
  2. Generate Embed Code:After you have previewed your widget and confirmed that the results are correct, select Generate Embed Code. Selecting this will display the embed code for your widget to be included on your website page.Copy the code to clipboard Embed Widget Code to place on your web site