Published: March 1, 2016

Mountain Research Station

Mountain Research Station 

The past few years I have been writing some memoirs to share with my three daughters and 12 grandchildren.

This fall I was writing about my summer jobs. My most memorable one was working as anassistant cook at Science Lodge near Ward in the summer I was a sophomore. Right in the midst of my writing, the Fall 2015 issue of the DZǰ岹was delivered with a double page picture-story about Mountain Research Station [“Origins,” Fall 2015], the current name! I felt it was meant to be because of the coincidence of timing.

Norma Davis Vavra Klein (ʲ⳦’49,ѷ’53)
Naperville, Ill.

Helmet Safety 

I eagerly look forward to each edition of the Coloradan. ֱ alumni are living fascinating lives in all parts of the world and contributing to the betterment of the planet. One of the most inspirational aspects of our graduates and faculty is how they model doing what you love for work. Even better when that work supports the environment. Professor Kevin Krizek [“Pedal Power,” Fall 2015] is a perfect example. My only disappointment with Kevin’s interview is the absence of a helmet in the photo of him and his bike, along with the twice-repeated phrase about enjoying “the wind in his hair.” I’m aware that the pro-bike Dutch have their reasons for not using helmets, as do many other Europeans. In Boulder, Colo., USA, however, bike accidents and even deaths are not uncommon. Bicycle safety, including the wearing of helmets, can certainly use some reinforcement in our town.

Joan Gabriele (ʳٷԲ’97)

Response to "An Apology" 

In 1967, I was a freshman and was enrolled in AFROTC. I was one of those cadets who were engaged in drill practice in front of Brackett Hall one afternoon, when Mark Gutsche (dzܰ’73)“Letters,” Winter 2015] serenaded us with his anti-war song. It was loud, and we all heard it. But really, Mark, no apology is necessary. You were merely exercising your right to free speech, which all service men and women have fought to protect. I have not forgotten that day, but it did not evoke bitterness or rancor from me. I felt worse for my father, who did fight in that war, but he didn’t witness Mark’s political expression. I was not able to complete the ROTC course, which would also have provided a full scholarship, due to physical limitations. Later, I, too, began to oppose our military involvement in that war, and decried the needless deaths of thousands of young American men. I hope that Mark respected the job that our service persons did, even while opposing an immoral war. I was more dismayed by the treatment that returning soldiers received from their fellow Americans. I hope, Mark, that you were not among those who spat on and cussed at them. They, like all soldiers before and since, were doing their job as ordered, no matter their personal feelings about the war. Unfortunately, that war tore our country apart, and I’m not sure we’ve ever recovered, but for people like Mark to express remorse indicates that some, at least, have grown up.

Joe Felice (貹’72)
Aurora, Colo.

Lichen Love 

Thanks so much for sharing your love of lichens! [“Lichen Hunter,” Winter 2015] As a 1969 ֱ graduate majoring in geology, I enjoyed lichens in the Western states, but never studied them until I moved to Chapel Hill, N.C. Last summer I attended a wonderful workshop led by James Lendemer and Jessica Allen (of the NY Botanical Garden) held at the Highlands Biological Station in Highlands, N.C. Good luck on discovering more lichens in ֱ!

Paula LaPoint (ұDZ’69)
Chapel Hill, N.C.

Photo by Patrick Campbell