
  • Associate Professor • Associate Chair for Graduate Studies • Co-Director, Study Abroad Global Seminar in Barcelona

Research Areas

19C-20C Spanish and Catalan literatures and cultures; the history of emotions; cultural history; public sphere theory.


  • Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2013 (Open Access edition available).The bookreconsiders debates about historical memory from theperspective of the theory of emotions. Its main claim is that the demise of theSpanish empire in 1898 spurred a number ofcontradictory emotional responses,ranging from mourning and melancholia to indignation, pride, and shame. Itshows how intellectuals sought to reimagine a post-Empire Spain bydrawing onmyth and employing a predominantly emotional register, a contention thatdeparts from current scholarly depictions of the fin-de-siècle crisis in Spainthat largely leave therole of both emotions and imperial myths in that crisisunexplored.

Edited Journal Issue

  • Rereading the Hispanic Tradition of National Essayism.Special Issue of5 (2007).

Selected Articles

  • “A Disconcerting Language: Valle-Inclán’sTirano Banderasand the Hispanic Atlantic.”Imperialism and the Wider Atlantic: Essays on the Aesthetics,Literature, andPolitics of Transatlantic Cultures. Ed. Francisco LaRubia-Pradoand Tania Gentic. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. 297-322.
  • “FranciscoAyala’s Postwar Liberalism: Ideology and Experience.”Anales de la literatura española contemporánea41.4 (2016):219-243.
  • ​“The Battlefor Emotional Hegemony in Republican Spain (1931-1936).”Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History.Ed. Luisa Elena Delgado, Pura Fernández,and Jo Labanyi. Nashville:Vanderbilt UP, 2016.141-158.
  • “Emotions and Nationalism: The Case of Joan Maragall’s Compassionate Love of Country.”Hispanic Research Journal15.3 (2014): 191-208.
  • “Ángel Ganivet’sIdearium españolasFin de siècleImperial Melancholia.”Revista Hispánica Moderna65.2 (2012): 181-197.
  • “Notes on the Conflicting Uses of the Imperial Past: Spain in 1892.”Anales de la literatura española contemporánea36.1 (2011): 133-162.
  • “Josep Maria de Sagarra and the Ethics of Catalanism.”Catalan Review23 (2009): 71-93.

  • “Visión parcial del enemigo íntimo: la Gran Guerra como antesala de la Guerra Civil.”5 (2009): 155-176.

  • “El centenario de Francisco Ayala entre la filología y la alegoría.”Anales de la literatura española contemporánea34.1 (2009): 109-136.
  • “El ensayismo nacional en tiempos de posnacionalismo.”The ֱ Review of Hispanic Studies5 (2007): 1-22.
  • “El problema de España en el exilio: Indagación de una polémica en las páginas de Realidad (1947-1949).”Escritores, editoriales y revistas del exilio republicano de 1939. Ed. Manuel Aznar Soler. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2006. 931-938.
  • “América o la disolución de la autenticidad: intelectuales y exilio.”Crítica & ficção, ainda. Ed. Raúl Antelo. Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2006. 133-58.