The 2016 Symposium was held on Saturday April 23rd, 2016

Ìýat the

Lowry Conference Center
Community College of Aurora - Lowry Campus
1061 Akron Way, Denver, CO 80230


The ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Undergraduate Space Research Symposium is an opportunity for students to present their current research and ideas in the Space Industry.Ìý This paper and presentation competition allows students to be published in an official conference proceedings as well as compete for cash prizes.Ìý Students will also be able to compete for prizes in a poster and demonstration session.Ìý College students are encouraged to interact with ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Aerospace companies during an informal Career Fair and during the demonstration session.Ìý The ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SRS is organized by the ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ Space Grant Consortium and we are growing this event every year to include more schools, students and industry.


Recognized Papers and Presentations

Grand Prize Paper and Presentation and Session A Winner:Ìý High Elevation Light Intensity Observation System V

Session B: R-Log: A Low-Cost Low-Power Solution for Data Logging on Payload MissionsÌý

Session C: Performing Material Science Research in MicrogravityÌý

Session D: Design of an Extensible Telemetry and Command Architecture forSmall Satellites



Papers and Presentations​

SessionTitle and Authors
ÌýAHigh Elevation Light Intensity Observation System V–D.Beatty, H.Flaherty, R.Kloetzel, V.Nystrom
ÌýAThe Highest Common Factor: Impacts of the High-Altitude Environment on Cyanobacteria –A.Noor, D.Jeri-Flores, V.H.Longevitch, Y.Adje
ÌýAMercury O.A.K.Sat –T.Phoebus, M.Prozeralik, M.Romero
ÌýADamaging UV Light: The Effect of Containers on the Photo-degradation of Naproxen –E.Pineda, G.Zimmerman, J.Cordova
ÌýATest-bed for High-Altitude Microbial Sample and Telemetry Data Collection –C.Littlefield, D.Colclazier, G.Pandya, J.Principato, J.Hamvas, J.Fender, LW.Perkins, M.Franchois, R.Spidell, V.Stark
ÌýBPreliminary test of a Ring Imaging Cherenkov Radiation Detector–J.Principato, G.Pandya, T.Horning, LW.Perkins
ÌýBMapping the Distribution of Ions and Aerosols in the Lower Atmosphere and Exploiting the Diamagnetic Properties of Bismuth –J.Bullman, T.Duncan, J.Hetherington, B.Pring, J.Schmitz, B.Staheli
ÌýBObserving the Solar Spectrum via High Altitude Balloon –C.Bain,M.Franchois, J.Principato, B.Treffner
ÌýB3D Printed Polymers in Near-Space Conditions –M.Breathwaite, S.Ryan, E.Griffith, A.Beal, N.Pine
ÌýBR-Log: A Low-Cost Low-Power Solution for Data Logging on Payload Missions –R.Belt
ÌýCProof of Viabilityof Solar Tracking Onboard a High-Altitude Balloon Platform–P.Arthur, R.Cutter
ÌýCLow-cost Current and Temperature Sensor (LOCATS)–M.Alanis Medrano, D.Green, O.Lyke, O.Zanoni
ÌýCPerforming Material Science Research in Microgravity –K.Kates, T.Joy, A.Olson, A.Zimmerer
ÌýCHigh Data Rate Communications Station for CubeSats –H.Singhal
ÌýCHigh Speed Schlieren Imaging Using a Triggered Laser Diode with Nanoseconds Pulse Duration –D.Adams, M.Wilbanks
ÌýDPolarCube: System Integration and Testing for a 3U CubeSat–G.Alvarenga, C.Rou
ÌýDSimulation of the PolarCube Attitude Control and Determination Subsystem –F.Hinckle
ÌýDMay the Electrostatic Force Be With You: Charged Spacecraft Models –C.Reilly
ÌýDDesign of an Extensible Telemetry and Command Architecture forSmall Satellites –D.Beatty, B. Hogan, C.Maywood
ÌýDPerformance Characterization of CubeSat Radiometer Optics –G.Alvarenga, K.Kates, J.Vela, N.Voth



Mercury O.A.K.Sat - (CSU Ft. Collins)Ìý

Low - cost Ocean Current And Temperature Sensor - (ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥-Boulder)

Understanding the Structure and Durability of DNA in Response to G-Force and Vibration (Red Rock Community College)

DemoSat: Modular Payload Design and Radiation Flux with Altitude - (UNC)

Designing a Rover: COSGC Robotics Challenge - (UNC)

Object Recognition and Artificial Intelligence- (UNC)

Atmospheric Re-entry Probe: Design and Integration - (UNC)

An Investigation of Atmospheric Re-entry - (UNC)

Developing a Model: Re-entry into the Earth’s Atmosphere - (UNC)

PolarCube Communications System RF Design and Implementation - (ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥-Boulder)



Recognized Technical Posters


3D Printed Polymers in Near Space Conditions - Red Rocks Community College

Mars Explorer (MrX) - ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥ State University - Ft. Collins

Robotics Challenge: Design and Fabrication - University of Northern ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥


ÌýKey Information and Opportunities

  • Present at a Conference and bulk up your resume
  • Interact with Industry during an informal Career Fair
  • Show off your research and projectsIndividuals or teams can submit
  • Any undergraduate engineering or science research applicable to the space community is eligible
  • Write a paper and present or present your research during a poster and demonstration session


ÌýPrize Categories and Amounts*:

  • Ìý1 - Grand Prize (overall highest scoring paper+presentation score): $1,200
  • Ìý3 - Session Prizes (highest scoring paper+presentation score in each session): $400/each
  • Ìý1 - Top Poster (highest scoring poster overall): $400
  • Ìý2 - People's Choice Posters (highest scoring poster/demo scored byÌý all attendees): $400/eachÌý* Cash prizes are awarded per team.Ìý Teams of multiple students share single prize amount.


Important dates for the 2016 Symposium

3/09/2016 ÌýÌý Abstracts Due

4/07/2016 ÌýÌý Papers Due 7am via Email and last opportunity to register for Poster/Demonstration participation

4/09/2016 ÌýÌý Papers Selected and Presenters Notified

4/23/2016 ÌýÌý Symposium Day!


ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥SRS 2016 Agenda

8:00am ÌýÌýÌýÌý Presenters, Demo/Posters, and Judge Check-inÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý

9:00amÌýÌýÌý Welcome and Opening RemarksÌý

9:15am ÌýÌý Sessions A and BÌý

11:45pmÌý Ìý LunchÌý

12:15pmÌýÌýÌý Keynote SpeakerÌý

1:30pmÌý Ìý Ìý Sessions C and DÌý

3:20pm ÌýÌýÌýÌý Demonstration and Poster SessionÌý

4:50pm ÌýÌýÌýÌý Awards Ceremony and Closing Remarks

The webmaster is aware that some links may be broken due to files being lost during website migration. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Directions & Parking Information:Ìý1061 Akron Way, Denver, CO is easily located using Google Maps.Ìý Detailed directions may be accessed by entering your starting address at the Lowry Conference Center website:Ìý

Download theÌýÌýfor parking details.