Martz Summer Conference
- On June 6-7, a record crowd of 365 in-person and 100 online registrants assembled for the 44th Annual أغجاض±²¥ Law Conference on Natural Resources.ج “Next Chapters on the أغجاض±²¥ River: Short-Term Coping, Post-2026 Operations, and Beyond†was
- Water, it is safe to say, is of the moment. Safer yet, the drought-stricken أغجاض±²¥ River is center stage. Seemingly overnight, the water beat has transcended from dusty backroads and Southwestern capitols to the front page of mainstream media
- The Getches-Wilkinson Center just wrapped up the 44th Annual أغجاض±²¥ Law Conference on Natural Resources, which has held at the law school on June 6-7, 2024. This year, the conference once again focused on management of the أغجاض±²¥ River watershed
- Crisis on the أغجاض±²¥ River: From Short-Term Solutions to Long-Term SustainabilityThursday, June 8 and Friday, June 9, 2023 Hosted by the Getches-Wilkinson Center and Water & Tribes InitiativeThe أغجاض±²¥ River is in crisis. Rapid declines in
- Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 172026 May Be Too Late: Hard Conversations أغجاض±²¥ Really Complicated IssuesThere is no debate – demands for water across the أغجاض±²¥ River Basin exceed the shrinking supply. Chronic drought, record heat, increasing
- Equity in the أغجاض±²¥ River Basin: How to Sustainably Manage a Shrinking ResourceThursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1Simply put – demands for water in the أغجاض±²¥ River Basin exceed supply.ج Chronic drought, record heat, and rampant
- Thursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1Equity in the أغجاض±²¥ River Basin: How to Sustainably Manage a Shrinking ResourceSimply put – demands for water in the أغجاض±²¥ River Basin exceed supply.ج Chronic drought, record heat, and rampant
- The Water & Tribes Initiative: Tribal Water Rights & a Sustainable Vision for the أغجاض±²¥ River BasinApril 27, 2021The 30 federally recognized tribes in the أغجاض±²¥ River Basin depend on the أغجاض±²¥ and its tributaries for a variety of
- Session One: Expanding the Toolbox of Water Financing OptionsTuesday, September 15, 2020Gone are the days when funding western water needs was merely a task of gaining Congressional authorization and appropriations for new dams and reservoirs. Today
- Charting a Better Course for the أغجاض±²¥ River: Identifying the Data and Concepts to Shape the Interim Guidelines RenegotiationThursday, June 6th and Friday, June 7th, 2019On June 6-7, 1869, John Wesley Powell’s expedition down the أغجاض±²¥ was