Western Water Policy Program
- Andrew Teegarden, current GWC Water Law Fellow:The Annual أغجاض±²¥ River Water Users Association (CRUWA) Conference in Las Vegas was one of the busiest in recent years. Part of the increased participation stems from the current impasse in
- The Getches-Wilkinson Center and Water & Tribes Initiative will be co-convening the 2025 Conference on the أغجاض±²¥ River on Thurs, June 5th and Fri, June 6th at the Wolf Law Building in Boulder, CO.Turning Hindsight into Foresight: The أغجاض±²¥
- The أغجاض±²¥ River Research Group (CRRG), founded and again chaired by the GWC’s Doug Kenney, resumed activities this Spring, headlined by the publication in May of its latest policy brief entitled:ج Imagining the River We Deserve: How the Post
- Water, it is safe to say, is of the moment. Safer yet, the drought-stricken أغجاض±²¥ River is center stage. Seemingly overnight, the water beat has transcended from dusty backroads and Southwestern capitols to the front page of mainstream media
- The Getches-Wilkinson Center and Water & Tribes Initiative will be co-convening the 2024 Conference on the أغجاض±²¥ River on Thurs, June 6th and Fri, June 7th at the Wolf Law Building in Boulder, CO.Next Chapters on the أغجاض±²¥ River:ج
- The Getches-Wilkinson Center, led by director, Chris Winter, took the entire staff to CRWUA this year to participate in hard hitting conversations about the future management of the أغجاض±²¥ River. As we get closer to 2026, negotiations and
- Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 172026 May Be Too Late: Hard Conversations أغجاض±²¥ Really Complicated IssuesThere is no debate – demands for water across the أغجاض±²¥ River Basin exceed the shrinking supply. Chronic drought, record heat, increasing
- The Value of Water in the أغجاض±²¥ River Basin provides a snapshot of highly varied water values throughout each of the basin states.
- Several organizations have compiled information useful to researchers, water users, and other parties interested in the past, present, and future of the أغجاض±²¥ River. Rather than recompiling this wealth of assembled data, this page is intended as
- The Bathtub Ring examines impacts to water deliveries, hydropower generation, recreation, and the environment as Lake Mead declines to the shortage levels of 1075', 1050', 1025', and 1000'.