ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥Change Team

ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥Change Spring Fling

May 3, 2024

ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥Change had its annual Spring Fling on Thursday! Here's to another year of hard work on an amazing team of researchers.

Greg and Bud

January 2023 "A Bud & Beyond" Award goes to Greg

March 4, 2024

Congratulations to Greg Giordano for winning January's "A Bud & Beyond" award. Greg is a CRUCIAL long-time ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥Change member; he is a key component in so many parts of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥Change, from the research side to regulatory procedures, grant submissions, and everything in between. We had far too many good things...

Maddie and Bud

November 2023 "A Bud & Beyond" Award goes to Maddie

Jan. 29, 2024

Congratulations to Maddie for winning the "A Bud & Beyond" Award for November. Colleagues described Maddie as "one of the hardest working people I know", and others listed off the countless duties she excels at within the lab. She is truly always going "A Bud & Beyond". Congratulations, Maddie! We...

Devon Holding Bud

October 2023 "A Bud and Beyond" Award goes to Devon!

Nov. 17, 2023

Please join me in congratulating Devon for winning the "A Bud & Beyond" award! Since joining the POC team, Devon has shown great tenacity in getting up to speed with data collection procedures and obtaining their phlebotomy certification. Devon has also contributed significantly to the finalization of the content, edits,...

Gray in front of Honors Thesis Presentation

Congratulations to Gray MacDonald for Successfully Defending Her Honors Thesis

Nov. 14, 2023

We are very excited to share that one of our undergraduate students, Gray MacDonald, has successfully defended her honors thesis titled "The Effects of Chronic Cannabis Use on Sleep Health: Biological and Behavioral Measures of Sleep". Her presentation was stellar and her answers to the committee’s questions impressively displayed the...

Shelly holding "Bud"

September 2023 "A Bud and Beyond" Award goes to Shelly!

Oct. 19, 2023

The "A Bud and Beyond" award is a recognition for lab members who go above and beyond. Shelly received nominations with glowing descriptions of her contributions to the lab. She is described as having enthusiastically helped the COBRA team thrive, and as someone who works great both independently and on...


April 2023 "A Bud & Beyond" Award goes to Chasmine!!!

May 17, 2023

Chasmine has been an integral part of ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥Change since she began working with us in the Summer of 2020. We thank you for your leadership, dedication, flexibility, and kindheartedness! You absolutely deserve the award...and how fitting to receive it just before you leave ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥Change to attend PA school!


Congrats to ÃÛÌÇÖ±²¥Change Members Cassie, Tanja, and Renée for winning their respective '22-23 Student Awards!

April 24, 2023

BECA (Building Equity in the Community of Academics) Fellowship Cassandra Blew. Cassandra Blew was recommended by multiple faculty for the BECA Fellowship. Cassandra’s thesis examined an important marker for age-related disease, Neurofilament Light, in relation to cognitive task performance in healthy older adults. Through her written thesis and oral defense,...


March 2023 "A Bud & Beyond" Award goes to Cari!

April 13, 2023

Cari received the award because of her stellar support of all efforts across the lab. Not only does she provide high-level assistance on grant writing and analysis of data/writing manuscripts from many of our large trials, but she also provides amazing support to our PRAs and undergraduates who want to...

Cassie Defending Honors Thesis

Congratulations to Cassie for successfully defending her Honor's Thesis!!!

April 5, 2023
