Community as Classroom: What I've Learned from Westwood

Oct. 16, 2017

Community as Classroom: What I’ve Learned from Westwood Colorful leaves crinkle under my dirt-covered feet on a crisp fall afternoon. The sounds of birds chirping, wind blowing, and laughter surround me. I look at the girl standing next to me, a triumphant smile on her face after successfully descending a...

Art Speaks Louder than Words

July 21, 2017

Art is a powerful means of communication and self expression. It has an incredible ability to unify a group of people. Whether it be music, visual art, performance, or any other form, art makes us feel deeply. It communicates messages that can’t always be described in words, but are felt...

Diving In: Community Partnerships Come to Life

July 10, 2017

Up until the past two weeks, most of my CEDaR internship work on the Westwood project consisted of independent writing, research, and team meetings. Recently, however, I’ve gotten a taste of what it’s like to work face-to-face with community partners and residents. (From left) Carter McBride, myself, and Shirley Li...

Curriculum Building with Inquiry Hub

June 19, 2017

In my second week interning at CEDaR, I attended a curriculum training through the Inquiry Hub at ֱ; and wow, what an experience… Inquiry Hub staff, teachers from the Denver Public Schools, and teachers from Northwestern University in Illinois convened in Boulder to begin work on the first three “Bends”...

"Bouldly" doing what I have never done before…

June 12, 2017

Within the first 12 hours of arriving in Boulder, I found myself atop a rocky structure overlooking the city. There were multiple groups of people there: college students, families with young children and elderly couples, among others. The hot sun reflected off of my sweat-drenched skin, and my brightly colored...