Published: March 1, 2021

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

Present: Anuja, Anbareen, Kenny, Teagan, Bailey, Christina C, Jhossep, Jemil, Maya, Cynthia, Tania, Ornella


Excused: Audrea, Ben


Absent: Chidera

  1. Open Hearing

  1. Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of the Agenda

  1. New Business

    1. RN Event

      1. We’ll build the questions and talk about the interview in the same meeting.

    2. Email has been sent to Senator Carias to begin the bylaws revision process.

    3. We received one application this cycle. Interviews will be held on the 22nd.

    4. Ornella and Bailey, Leg Council President has informed me that meetings will begin at 5:00 PM for the foreseeable future. As soon as they tell me how they want us to go about budgetary ratifications, I’ll let you know.

    5. 6:45 PM - VeRVE “Spring Showcase 2021,” April 17th/18th, Budget Appeal

      1. Notes

        1. Sarah - Platform of whatever they choose and the original proposal was Squarespace, think it was unnecessary

          1. Changed from a year long to a less expensive subscription - from Commerce until Business

          2. $360 → $78

            1. The videographer feels the most comfortable with squarespace

        2. Meet and come up with a contingency plan (just in case the roof doesn’t work)

      2. Discussion

      3. Budgetary Questions

        1. Can you explain how a Squarespace website would contribute to the success of your event?

        2. Are there other, cheaper website platforms that you can use, such as Wix or Weebly?

        3. If you cannot rent the rooftop space due to COVID-19 restrictions, what is your backup plan?

        4. Please remember that we need credentials (past employment, portfolio) for your videographer.

      4. Previously Allocated

        1. Advertising - $350.00 - $350.00

        2. Contract & Licensing

          1. Sorah Yang - $750.00 - $750.00

        3. Services

          1. Videographer, Aabriti Shrestha - $600.00 - $600.00

          2. Squarespace - $360.00 - $0.00

            1. We think that this is one of the platforms where the video will be

            2. And for a year long thing, they may be able to use it for other events

            3. Not funding it now, but they can appeal

        4. Facility Rental

          1. Rooftop Stadium Terrace and Patio - $4025.00 - $4,025.00

        5. Extras

          1. Gifts - $400.00 - $0.00

          2. Hand Sanitizer - $34.00 - $34.00

          3. Masks - $550.00 - $550.00

            1. Motion to approve $550.00 for funding masks for VeRVE’s “Spring Showcase 2021” event.

              1. Motion passes 8 - 3 - 1.

        6. Total: $7069.00 - $6,309.00

      5. Motion to approve VeRVE Collisionz’ budget appeal for the Squarespace website.

        1. 7 - 1 - 0

      6. Motion to approve CEB funding of $78.00 for VeRVE’s Squarespace website. (budgetary members only)

        1. 6 - 1 - 0

  2. Old Business

    1. Fifth Funding Cycle

      1. VeRVE “Spring Showcase 2021,” April 17th/18th - Kenny and Bailey

        1. Update: budget appeal

        2. Send them an email about coming up with a backup plan in case they can’t use the rooftop space.

    2. Fourth Funding Cycle

  1. Hillel “An Evening with Idan Raichel,” March 3rd, 5:00-6:00 PM - Jhossep and Tania

    1. Update: Date change to March 2nd and time change to 6 PM MST

  2. TEDxֱ “Bounce,” March 15th, 12:00 PM - Maya and Cynthia

    1. Update: Meeting with funding and waiting for more specific marketing details

  1. Third Funding Cycle

    1. Vietnamese Student Association “Lunar New Year Show” February 20th, 7:30 PM - Chidera & Teagan

      1. Update: Advertising has begun

  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. RN Event Updates

        1. Registration

        2. SR

        3. Working on ROD

      2. SB Event Updates

        1. Meeting with ISS 2/24

        2. Updated SR

      3. First Budget Hearing with Finance Board tomorrow

      4. DSCC Events for Black Heritage/History Month (all at 5pm)-

        1. Feb. 16th: Starting Your Own Business with Tasha Plaza and Prime Legacy Security

        2. Feb. 25th: An Evening with Maya May with Buffalo Nights

    2. Leg Council

      1. Absent

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. The University of ֱ Boulder encourages nominations and applications for the inaugural position of Senior Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Please forward the to your networks and encourage qualified candidates to apply!

    4. ֱSG Liaison

      1. Absent

    5. Webmaster

      1. Updating the website

    6. Social Media Coordinator

      1. Fun things I’ve discovered about Instagram algorithms

    7. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Pretty sad there is only one applicant, but happy there is one

    8. Speakers Coordinator

      1. RN event is next week. Get hype!

      2. I want to find a time to meet with Kenny to discuss questions we can ask.

    9. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Left early

    10. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Share RN fb event, insta post, etc!

    11. Secretary/Historian

      1. No updates

    12. Chair

      1. (15 min)

      2. Christina C. and I will be attending Finance Board meetings this week.

      3. If you’d like to speak to me about any ideas you have for improving Board operations for upcoming semesters, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

      4. Please get back into the habit of typing out your updates, officers.

  1. Adjourn - 7:07 PM