
Nicholas has a total of 19 years of experience in business, education, the military and politics. He graduated from Singapore Management University (SMU) with a Bachelor in Business Management in 2008 and moved to Rochester, New York for graduate school the same year. He graduated with a Master of Science in Communication and Media Technologies in 2010 from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and moved to أغجاض±²¥ that summer. Nicholas has spent most of his career in the banking and finance industry, in roles such as branch management, business development, consumer and commercial loan underwriting and origination. Nicholas was honorably discharged as a Senior Corporal after more than two years of service in the Singapore Artillery in 2005. Nicholas is effectively bilingual in English and Mandarin Chinese. He is a peer reviewer for the Atlantic Journal of Communication. He is well-known in the Asian-American and international business communities in Denver and has served in various roles on the boards and committees of nonprofit organizations.

Nicholas is an ardent promoter and supporter of Singapore in the areas of trade, higher education and tourism. Nicholas spends a lot of time outside his work in consumer banking to represent Singapore informally. As a result, Nicholas is a familiar face and name to the international business community here.