Published: June 10, 2013

"Interning for Rowman and Littlefield Publishers was an incredibly eye-opening and memorable experience. Not only did I have the opportunity to attend professional conferences including board meetings, launch meetings, and even marketing meetings, I also had the chance to work directly with production editors and renowned scholars in the fields of Asian Studies, International Affairs, World History, Geography, and Political Science.

While this experience expanded and deepened my understanding of academic publishing, it also provided me with an opportunity to grow professionally, academically, and personally. My mentors at Rowman & Littlefield were extremely welcoming and constantly assisted me in developing skills that will be transferrable and applicable no matter what occupations or ambitions I will have in the future. This is one of the few experiences that I know I will reflect on and refer to for years to come. Because of this, I strongly recommend this internship to all fellow أغجاض±²¥ students."

- Leslie Dong, sophomore, International Relations and Asian Studies

The Center for Asian Studies will advertise again for this internship at the beginning of the Fall 2013 semester. Applications will be due on Friday, September 6th. Please click here to find out more about this exciting opportunity!