Published: Dec. 31, 2019

Three players with hands on analog phones play the game Buy! Sell!.A game developed by ATLASSenior Instructor and TAM Program DirectorMatt Bethancourt, his partner, Lisa Bethancourt, and ATLAS Instructor Danny Rankinwill exhibitat alt.ctrl.GDC, a coveted showcase of alternative game controller schemes and interactions that happensduring the world's largest professional game developer's conference held in San Francisco, March 16-20.

Buy! Sell!, created underthe Bethancourts' creative firm, Mouse & the Billionaire, isone of 21 games to beexhibited atthe 2020 Game Developer's Conference (GDC).Thefast-paced, multi-player, stock-trading game uses analog telephones as game controllers, and players watch a terminal full of charts, graphs and breaking news tomake split-second decisions whether tobuy or sell stocks like, pizza, candy and gold. The goal is to dial the phone number for a stock and shout “Buy!” or “Sell!” before competitors; transactions affect the stock prices, and the player with the largest portfolio at the end of the trading day wins.

Matt Bethancourt and Rankinalso co-directthe ATLAS ³󲹲!?,which explores new ways to "bring more delight to the world through games and experimental interactions." Two years agothe two also started the Whaaat!? festival in order to "geek-out with a group of like-minded game developers." This year the event attracted250 participants, and 5280 magazine designatedit as an "Editor's Pick" inits"Best things to do in ֱ in October" listing.