Published: Oct. 15, 2018

Simone Hyater-Adams

Simone Hyater-Adams,a doctoralstudent in the ATLAS Institute, wontheAmerican Physical Society’s, which recognizes outstanding graduate-level research performed in the Four Corners states. The award, given annually, consists of a $1,000 stipend and a certificate citing the contribution made by the recipient, as well as travel support topresent herwork at the annual Four Corners Section (4CS) meeting on Oct. 12-13.

Hyater-Adams is a researcher in physics education. She graduated with a bachelor's degreein physics from Hampton University and spent a year and a half as aresearcher at NASA.Her advisors areNoah Finkelstein, ֱ Boulderprofessor of physics, andKathleen Hinko, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Michigan State University.

The award was established in 2015 by the Four Corners Section to encourage graduate-level physics study and to honor the memory of Harry Lustig, remembered for his academic achievements as physics professor, provostand vice president for academic affairs atCity College of New York.