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Tips & Tricks - March 2016 - 7 Helpful Hints

In thinking broadly about integrating technology, sometimes it can be a bit daunting or overwhelming…

  • ÌýÌýÌýÌýWhere do I start?
  • ÌýÌýÌýÌýWhat technologies are out there?
  • ÌýÌýÌýÌýWhat if something goes wrong?

Here are our 7 Helpful Hints to keep in mind as you start to dabble with integrating technologies into your teaching and student learning activities:

  1. Start small. Just try out one or two technologies with a low stakes activity.
  2. Try it in a smaller class first. Give students a small assignment using the technology. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  3. Take a step out of your comfort zone to try something a little new or different. You're bound to learn something either way.
  4. Explain why you're using the technology and set expectations for what you intend students to gain from the technology use.
  5. Meet with ASSETT TLCs or other instructional designers to learn about potential technologies and to design an implementation that aligns with course goals and AM needs.
  6. Utilize student tech experts to help other students. ASSETT TLCs can arrange for an undergraduate Teaching Technology Assistant (TTA) to come to your class to provide additional support.
  7. Always have a plan B just in case something does go awry. Assess if it worked. Once you've decided on an implementation, check in with our Educational Researcher, Sarah.Wise@colorado.edu, to help design ways to determine if the implementation is meeting your goals.