In-Residence Research Semester

Incoming tenure-track faculty often are given some form of teaching release (generally for one or two courses) during the period prior to the comprehensive review. During the release they are expected to remain on campus and continue to perform research and service duties.

Faculty may request this release by writing a memo to the chair. The chair concurs, and the memo may be sent directly to the College’s HR Center in Old Main 1B-03 (275 UCB). The HR Center representative will check to be sure the release was offered and that it has not yet been taken. They will then put a note in PeopleSoft for future reference and file the request in the faculty member’s college personnel file.

Departments need to submit requests for replacement funding through the Leaves and Replacements database using a ‘Replacement-Research Semester’ request type.

Questions may be directed to your department’s HR Center representative.