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Minutes - Art Museum Meeting, Oct 9, 2017

Art Museum 

Intro to A&S Strategic Planning Process by David Brown

  • History of A&S process
  • Work of committee to date—draft vision statement
  • Schedule for committee’s work

Intro by Jeff Cox

  • Intro on teaching and reaching visioning
  • Laying out of fall work
  • Role of Committee and Report

Comment:  Be sure to put the A for arts in STEM for STEAM

Comment:  We need to support the humanities.  To be a great university we need to be strong across all fields.

Comment:  Look outward to our publics not just inward to campus.

Comment:  The Art Museum might be better served if it had faculty and reported, like the Libraries, to the provost.  Many people in the library have teaching as well as research and curatorial duties.  They cannot be PIs on their own grants without faculty status.

Comment:  The museum makes a major contribution to student learning.  Many courses are run through their study center but they get no return for their efforts, or their involvement with BFA and MFA programs.

Comment:  The museum is a hub for interdisciplinary work.

Comment:  The museum needs strong links with Art and Art History.

Comment:  The campus needs to focus on visual asset management by bringing together people from across campus

Comment:  The campus needs to provide more support for collections and for digital curation.

Comment:  While one can appreciate talk of innovation and entrepreneurship, it would be good to hear about taking care of our cultural heritage as well.

Comment:  The campus needs to be more aware of the resources at the museum and the staff’s willingness to work as partners.

  • How to put the A back in Stem (Steam).
  • The Museum faculty and staff have many student contact hours and could serve as a nice model for interdisciplinary teaching. Unfortunately, they are not recognized for all they do in this area.
  • There are lots of barriers for non-TTT faculty in getting credit and being eligible for internal resources.
  • Digital Asset management is something that should be considered more seriously.
  • Too much emphasis on innovation in what they've heard in visioning process.
  • In general the museums have a lot to offer yet there's been a disconnect between what they do and what faculty in the department know. The staff needs to be seen much more as a resource.